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I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. My weight loss journey (when I actually made a conscious effort to lose weight) began in 2001 when I hit my highest weight of 220 at the age of 19. I was THE laziest person you could think of. I had my mom write me notes in high school to get me out of running during P.E. I specifically remember the day I knew I needed to lose weight: I saw a picture of me with my brother who is 6 feet 4, 260 pounds and I looked BIGGER than he did. I was mortified. To make a long story short: I lost about 40 pounds fairly quickly on nothing but cardio and a (very) low-calorie diet. This triggered what would be more than 10 years of yo-yoing. I was consistently between 180-210 lbs. in my twenties.

On January 24, 2013 I decided “Enough is enough”.  I had reached 200+ pounds for the umpteenth time in my life and I couldn’t do it anymore. I was sick and tired of starting from square one every single January. In 7 months I went from 200 to 155 pounds. I created my Instagram (@leti_reconstructed), and what was originally simply my fitness diary became a catapult of inspiration for thousands. I grew to love the fit life and started preferring CrossFit and trail runs to clubbing and sleeping in every weekend.


With my love of fitness, I decided put the 9-5 life away and start personal training and coaching. It was time to do something I want and on my terms. This was a hugely scary step, starting from scratch, but I decided to turn my pain into something for good.


My dream is to reach women (and men) with my knowledge and no-nonsense approach, before they too waste too many years on programs, diets, and fads that will only set them up for failure. I want to be part of their lives and let them know that I am HERE for them. I will not be a “side-line” trainer or coach. I will be their TEAMMATE.


Join me...I might just change your life.


People almost rarely win the war with weight loss on their first try, and oftentimes find themselves defeated.  I am here to let them know that even if they have been knocked out a few times, they are never out. With my help, we will RECONSTRUCT... the body and mind. 

Leti Becerra, 

Certified Personal Trainer

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